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Showing posts from December, 2017

Lumber Supplier in Austin That Values Quality Materials

US Lumber Brokers is one the renowned name in the supply of unique and premium quality of lumber in Austin. We supply premium quality, high-grade lumber for a domestic and commercial purpose. Our success is derived from our rigorous efforts in making each and every project a success with our experience, market awareness and ability to procure premium quality lumber. We source our lumber to some of the leading architectural firms and high-end custom designing builders in the United States and other countries. We are growing rapidly and in the past decades have increased our business serving areas. We are now also serving international areas. We as a lumber supplier in Austin have a broad range of lumber which can be classified as exotic lumber, prime line, and standard lumber. The exotic lumber range consists of Massaranduba, IPE, Garapa, Cumaru, Tigerwood, Jatoba, Purple Heart etc. Whereas our prime line of lumber consists of Doug Fir, Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Southern Yellow...